Monday, April 16, 2012

Using 2012 to Grow your Law Firm

Getting new clients is not something that happens overnight, particularly when we're talking about legal services.  Exposure, recognition, success, and respect all take time and are all integral to how well any business is received by potential customers.  That's why there is no better time to start a good law firm marketing campaign.

You could make the argument that starting anything now is better than putting it off, but when it comes to marketing, it's especially important.  Many of us left law school without really ever understanding the marketing side of law, even though it's critical to our success.  Even if you're the foremost expert in your practice area, it won't matter unless potential clients know who you are and appreciate your expertise.

Growing a law firm is not unlike growing a plant, in that it needs constant exposure (in the case of a plant, to sunlight, water, and nutrient-rich soil). Your law firm needs constant exposure to people who are either looking for the type of services you offer or who are often in a position to interact with people who are looking for legal services.

Getting in front of the right people is not easy, but with just a little preparation and persistence, it will start happening faster than you expect.  The first step is always to figure out who your specific target audience is.  If you target too broad of an audience, then you generally won't appeal to anyone in particular.  On the other hand, if your marketing is extremely targeted, then you will appeal extremely well to that group of people.

The second point I always like to make is to experiment with different marketing and advertising platforms but really stick with and learn one platform well.  If you like making videos, then produce videos for both internet and TV.  If you love writing, then blogging and newspaper ads may work better for you.  The point is that any platform can work if you put in the time and effort to learn how to succeed at that platform.

Finally, remember that your best source of referrals are existing clients.  You of course should provide them with great service, but if you need an introduction to someone that they know, don't be afraid to ask for that introduction.  If they like you and the services that you provide, then they won't hesitate to recommend you to their friends and colleagues.  It never hurts to ask.

I want to end this post where I started it: get started today.  No matter how successful your marketing is or isn't, it will definitely be better than having no marketing at all.


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