If you are turning away more than 10 clients a day, you probably need to hire some more associates into your law firm. If that isn't the case, it could be that you have in place an attorney marketing strategy that is so darn good you couldn't keep up with it. If you experience either of those two - or even both - then you have earned the right to be smug, and what this article will talk about isn't really for you.
Let's be honest: all law firms, whether fledgling or experienced veterans are always on the prowl for more clients. I have encountered such firms in the course of my work. Odds are that you will find yourself easily exhausted with marketing when it is not working as it should. But it is one of those necessary evils that you should deal with, whether you want to or not.
On the other hand, once you begin to understand and become successful at it, marketing can be both fun and exciting. It will both be very helpful in making your business even more successful and open the doors wide to any opportunities that may come.
I'd like to offer a few tips to help law firms make their marketing turn into more fun and less burden:
Get Everyone Involved. This of course would apply only when your business setup involves you having associates or partners. Marketing should be a group effort. It's a collective effort and responsibility, as the rewards will likewise be collective. Since a group of people is involved in a law firm, their marketing shouldn't be any different.
Choose a Marketing Medium you are genuinely interested in. Perhaps you don't like cold-calling potential clients or even meeting them at events. If you are one of them, maybe you should choose another marketing medium, say, TV advertising or search engine optimization. Since there are a lot of marketing types you can choose from, make sure you choose that which will suit you and your law firm best.
Market a Little Every Day. If you wait even longer to actually get started on your marketing, you will find that it gets harder and harder to get a move on. If you let it sit so long until the time comes when you'll be in dire need of clients, you'd find the pressure of finding them actually be something akin to a life-or-death situation. Do not wait until your law firm is about to go under before you start acting; start your marketing now.
Learn to Like Meeting People. Some people may be averse to the idea of going "out there", so to speak, but it has been my experience that lawyers are naturally inclined to meet and interact with people. It takes practice and a little bit of initial discomfort, but the end result is well worth it, both in terms of marketing and in terms of general life benefits.
I bet when you were studying law you never really pictured yourself having to do any marketing, did you? The competition out there is tough, however, and clients need to have a reason to choose you. If you learn to enjoy your marketing and take an active role in it, then potential clients will see that, and they'll be that much more likely to hire you when they need legal services. Marketing is a step-by-step process so you should take your time and not rush with it.
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